s e On my previous website where "The Black General " was a very popular page, several Haitian critics have attacked me for the way the story was told. They claimed that I wrote as if I personally was there witnessing the historical events.
Well, let me tell you as my father used to say, if you did not live these events in your very being, you have missed 99 % of your inheritance, and you don't know what Haiti means or represents. Haiti is not just a word or a place it is also spiritually based, as such it is indestructible and timeless. To the curious spirit, it is a veil, a symbol, or a post, a point or cama Once reached, new worlds open up and old worlds remembered, meanings and realities changes. As a kid, I often heard Haiti referred to as a mystery, now I can see that clearly, it is a combination of myths or legends hiding behind other myths and legends. Before you know anything, you are back in a circle. Completion of each circle pushes you further along the path. After reading the black general you'll have a better idea. The sum of Haitian art is an invitation to that mystery. Enjoy.......
My response to my dear critics is, not only I was there witnessing all those events but I aim to take you there as well to be a witness yourself, and if you are patient and alert enough you will have the opportunity to enter inside the very head of the "Black General". I do that thru the spiritual power that is in the now, and is now, grabbing the spiritual past in firmly thas was now and forever will be now,. I If you don't understand the last phrase. It was my salutation and request to all 4 cardinal points to open the passage. Haitian Shamanic knowledge. The now is an entity onto itself, a metaphysical point connecting all that was, is, and to come.... Great point in your head and outside your head to meditate on and see it can make the connection and see if it opens up to you... entrance to different dimensions....
This is the third time an anonymous reader has written to ask me what one would find inside the black general's head. I guess the anonymous reader won't stop harassing me until I answer him or her. I don't know if he or she expected a joke or a serious answer. But it touches me enough to give a straightforward answer if there can ever be one. Ready? Let's take a dive.....
So my dear reader and visitor, after qualification entry, you will undergo a deep spiritual journey where you will have to pass many tests, Upon completion, you will be given a new ID card that will allow you to download visions. Once you do that, a great library will be available to you. From there all spiritual knowledge will be at your fingertip. in the great library, the black general is there in full glory in a prominent place. After entry, you will be carried away by reverence and awe upon coming face-to-face with the chattel, chained slave metamorphosising into the black general. The generation of power, the concentration of power, and more importantly, the execution of that power are what you will see and find inside the black general's head. The black general was raised to vanquished the best and most modern armies of Europe and in an act of defiance the Black General arrested time itlself by giving back the island its original name "HAITI". In doing so he symbolically undid the very landing of Christopher Columbus.
Hispaniola meaning little Spain, was the new name given to Haiti by Christopher Columbus. In transforming Haiti into Hispaniola, hundreds of thousands of original Haitians (Arawaks) perished. Hispaniola was the launchpad for the conquest of the Americas. What happened in Haiti and to Haiti was duplicated in all the Americas. Please note that conquistador Hernán Cortes who defeated and destroyed the entire Aztec civilization, was just a medium ranking officer in the army of Hispaniola, The Hispaniola army had at it's head the great Nicolas Ovando, Knight of the Order of Alcantara, the great military order of Spain that had brutally and totally crushed the Moors and expelled them and all non Catholics out of Spain. As captain general and governor of Hispagniola, Ovando was the executioner of Queen Anacaona He also executed the great Cacique Cotubanama and perfectionized the slavery system adopted by Columbus...... Oh Poor Guacanagaric the Cacique of the "Marien" the beautiful northwestern part of Haiti, he helped Christopher Columbus in defeating more than one hundred thousand original Haitian warriors (Arawaks) in the plains of Santiago (Vega Real), Guacanagaric was also the one who received and welcomed Columbus on his first voyage. When the flagship Santa Maria sank in the bay of Mole St. Nicholas, Guacanagaric ordered the locals to save the ship. the indians swam under the sea and recovered everything of Santa Maria, every single piece of wood, nails, furniture and materials etc... It is with those and local materials and support that they built the first European structure, the ill-fated "Navidad". The Haitian chief gave the Spaniards a daily festive banquet, barbecues, dancing women etc.. ...... Well, enough of the Indian stories Joseph...., but I just wanted to pay due respect to the first recorded Haitians, Haiti is a contiuum story. Legengs have it in existence before the Arawkas.... but one last thing: ....Guacanagaric the great, the indispensable ally and assistant of the foreigners died of pure, accute and unsupportable grief and remorse. He really thought the Spanish were his friends. Well, in a short period of time after he help them subdued Haiti, his entire court and all of his family, himself included became slaves of the conquistadors..... ...EPIC
Back to our story. The Black General uprooted the generations old and inhuman system of slavery not by treaty or negotiations, he did so with the use of unbridled, terrific force. Please note that such a phenomenon have never been recorded before or after in all the anals of history. His actions, in confronting and defeating the defenders of slavery, were aligned with the ultimate universal and cosmical order of rendering legitimately the victory of light over darkness thus establishing a permanent space into the spiritual realm.
His deification and acceptance was justified in the great hall of the permanent spirits for he indeed had reached the level of self-illuminated "star", while no other leaders of his time could even open their eyes. Such was was his grandeur and superiority over his time. His spiritual powers are now activated and potent, meaning they can inspire or influence current life. On the right is an image of one of the generals who became king.
Well, dear reader, I hope I have answered your inquiry. The very words written in the answer are a legacy and testimony to the powerful energies circulating inside the Black General's head. Energies beyond and over the field of good and evil.
Besides Emperor Soulouque who tried to revive Haiti, King Henri was the last real Haitian leader according to my father. Right after his death, the mulatto general Jean Pierre Boyer continued where Petion left off in negotiating with king Louis XVIII of France to pay for our independence. He discontinued all commercial ties King Henri had with the British and embraced France completely. King Henri use to laugh at the idea of paying for the privilege of being a French Haitian. "We will never be French" he exclaimed, "we won our independence on the battlefield at the point of the bayonet, and any negotiation will have to be made on the battlefield. Period". to vex the French further he exclaim "our independance is patiently waiting dingling on the point of the bayonet, come and get it.". That was how the generals talked, power to power. Always ready for the final sacrifice with honor.
If you think Christophe's rejection of any malicious approach by France is amazing, the details of the manner in which the rejection message was sent will leave you speechless and give you a good idea of Haiti's division into north and south in 1814.
King Louis XVIII, yes the brother of infamous Louis XVI came to the throne of France on April 11th of 1814 with all the Bourbon's power back in place. The colony was their richest possession, dubbed " The Pearl of the Antilles". They accused Napoleon as being an inferior, low-life commoner who should of never been raised to such a position., in folly and drunkendness of power, sent the youth of France to die in a far forsaken land. They also regret Napoleon's sale of the Louisianna territory in 1803. Nonetheless, they missed the riches of the slavery days. So, in order to recognize Haiti's independence, France wanted reparation for the lost income.
Dauxion Lavaysse and Franco de Medina, two French diplomats with their staff were dispatched with this mission.
In late October 1814, Dauxion arrived from the west and was received in Port au Prince by General Petion, now president of the South. He was given a state dinner, a public audience was provided where the senators and deputies in their best attire were given beautiful French speeches, debating the pros and benefits of the French "Olive Branch". Finally, when Petion spoke, his chief of staff General Boyer and the other generals in turn, all swore to take up arms and lay down their lives for the nation's independence. Just as it is in our modern times, it was all a show, behind the scenes they all were overjoyed by the emissaries of King Louis XIII. All kinds of promises were exchanged on all sides. The diplomats were given a big festy celebration in the end.......elas.
Af for Franco De Medina, he was despatched to the North to see General Christophe, now King Henri the First, of Haiti. General Christophe had reports giving him all the details of Dauxion's successes in the south.
In early November 1814, Franco and his entourage had not even crossed the frontier from the east, in Ouanaminthe they were all halted, disarmed, arrested and manhandled, bounded like common criminals. By the time they arrived in the north's capital Cap Haitian, large public crowds lined the streets were waiting for them, clapping and cheering. They were paraded in the streets with their figures demoralized, dirty clothes, their hands tied behind their backs with chains, they were all led straight to jail. It was a well-orchestrated event. General Christophe is well known for all kinds of jokes of all sorts, always in a festive mood, laughing and giving big celebrations and balls. This was one such occasion. The "Rara" were given licence on the public and the African drums rolled, rolled and re-rolled Cape Haiti over and over, through and through until everyone was on the same plane, sharing the same spirit.. For the next three days, the French diplomats received an experience that will forever marked them. The next morning, In the large courtyard under the "Tree Of Justice," King Henri presides over the procedures of the tribunal, surrounded by a serious but festive populace. From time to time like a great suspenseful event, the crowd, overwhelmed with emotions, would sigh loudly. The accused were given the chance to defend themselves. They eloquently made the case for their mission, the benefits of French recognition and of France's "Olive Branch" offer. However, on the second day, the court spoke, reminding them of all the blood the French have shed. Old slaves, men and women came to bear testimony against the French, showing their branded shoulders with the scarred markings of plantation's logo. Men with their backs frayed with laches, amputees from the war etc.... The croud became aroused and agitated. Finally, Christophe rose and spoke firmly "Not only your mission is a grave crime but your very presence here is an offense to Haiti. We never had such crimes committed in any corner of the kingdom so we don't have any laws with which to punish you with. Since this is a unique case, we will have to adjust and create a new law for such a crime. Tomorrow you will get your just sentence," and the court adjourned. The public by now, is firmly convinced the diplomats were spies and have good memories of exactly what that means since Toussaint's time. The Rara now, in collaboration, integrated the names of the diplomats in their brand new accusing and derisive ballads.
The next day the crowd doubled in size to witness the proceedings, after reciting all the crimes and offenses committed by the French State, as the representative of such a criminal state with such an audacious and insulting mission. The sentence was "you are all condemned to death". The crowd, no longer controllable, went crazy in a prolonged, sustained roar. The diplomats were then immediately blindfolded, tied up and led to be executed. However, they were escorted back to the frontier, unblinded and unbounded with a personal warning that they would die if they ever were found in these parts again and then given the battlefield message to Louis XVIII.
Toussaint had engraved this truth in the generals' skulls "there is no maximum humiliation, degradation and dehumanization the European powers wont visit upon you once they are absolutely certain that you cannot defend yourself". What do you think all the obsession with defense was about in the first years after independence? They knew the French would come back. Dessalines had ordered fortifications to be erected all over Haiti. The fact that Dessalines made all the genreals swear allegiance to unity and renounce France forever. The mulattoes killed him and reversed course. They betrayed Haiti. All they ever wanted was to replace European power with their own. .......(Remember the failed coup by mulatto brigadier general Jean Villate in October 1795, again Toussaint saved the colony for France using high diplomatic skills and show of force and was promoted to General of division)).... This was the trade mark of Toussaint Louverture. Show of force was a tool he often used. In 1797 He captured a whole British brigade (2500 men) without firing a single shot....... Please see Toussaint's page. ....... He arrested then deported Villate.
The center of Haiti's power was moved from the north to the south after king Henri's death. Down down down we go to our modern time. ..... Haiti's history needs to be revised. ..So many things even Haitians don't know. From Bois Caiman to the present. Haitians do not write the real history of Haiti..... When Haiti was surrounded and under assault by 86 ships of war during Napoleon invasion. One of these ships was a corvette named "Vertu". General Andre Rigaud, general Alexandre Petion, Jean Pierre Boyer, Nicolas Geffrard, Borno Deleard, Jean Louis Villatte, Quarrier Lariviere and Birot, and others, all high ranking mulatto officers on board coming to take revenge against Toussaint Louverture. For they were totally defeated and humiliated two years prior by Toussaint in the "war of the South" dubbed "the war of the knives".
It must be noted that the reason why this particular war was named War of the knives is because after the canons and muskets were exhausted, the charging combatants hurled at each other with knives, rocks, muskets with bayonets attached, anything that could be used as a weapon,piercing, beating and slashing away. Elas for those handheld weapons, the knives themselves became dull due to being overused and abused. Then all humanity was disregarded, the soldiers regardless of rank were seen with wide open oversized eyes, with blood dripping from their mouth and teeth, and fingers and fingernails red with blood, making very awful angry grimaces and growling noises. Civil war and domestic violence are the same. The participants have no limits......
But where did all that valiantry originated from? The mulattoes, in many of the loosing battles refused to surrender, fought to the very last man, to their death. The answer is too long and would take too much space. Please see the page regarding Toussaint's dealing with one of France's greatest diplomats "Gabriel comte D'Hedoulille" a general of division, a nobleman from Louis XVI era. A pure French Marquis with unsurpassed military skills. he earned the title of "Pacifier of the Vendee". The Vendee was the most dangerous and persistent center of counter-revolution in France To pacify that turbulent province of France required great diplomatic, administrative and military talents of a high order. He was believed to be well-fitted to deal with Toussaint Louverture before France was able to send an army large enough. On March 27, 1789 he arrived with three war ships including a large party of administrative and military experts. What happened next was a collision of two political and diplomatic masters, very dramatic and comical...... Please read the rest on General Toussaint's page. One last thing about the Comte. It is how he managed to survive the guillotine of the French Revolution. He was from the noble class, a real Marquis, a true aristocrat. All is due to his diplomatic skills. He served France in all the turmoils, After Napoleon's demise he served Louis XVIII as well..... Go figure......
The gentle Toussaint simply deported or exiled the mulatto leaders instead of executing them. Toussaint's adopted nephew Moise and second most powerful general in Haiti, had warned Toussaint of this decision. Moise should be known as one of the foremost leader of that period. Much more powerful than Dessalines or Christophe. The only general who had the skills to defeat the great Toussaint Louverture on the battlefield. I call him "the boy soldier". A little Napoleon, became a general at 19 years old and died at 27. I will have to dedicate a page to him. Very, very sad story. Big career mistake by Toussaint in my opinion.
u Back to the story, Those mulattoes on board were not ordinary men, there were much more richer than the regular whites. They were from wealthy planters and slave owners' familes. They were for the most part educated in France. And as officers, they were part of the Templar Order. The reason I mention them is because they were all signatories to the young nation paying France unbeilevable sum of money for generations to come, so they can continue believing that they are French and send their kids to France for education, partaking in French culture ect..., thus maintaining a caste system in Haiti, thus settled the nation with exhaurbitant debts even great powers at the time did not have. So whenever you hear Haiti mentioned as the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, you have to link it to this deal. This category of people, maybe 10 percent of the population living in opulence but the rest 90 percent are in living in a survival existence and below survival existence. It was a matter of time before the anarchy of the presesent time would manifest.
That apartheid system still exists today in Haiti. The French master still lives in the educated Haitian head. All the civil wars, ancient and modern are related to this unsellted affair. Legacy of our mulatto brothers resulting in our recolonization, where they joined forces with foreign settlers to finish us off. But underneath all their structural economic and political and social control of things, a disturbing turbulence persist. That unpredictable turbulence is the counterbalance to thier illigitimate rule and their selfish, unnatural relation and regards to life itself. That turbulence have the potential to derail not just that island but ther whole new world, "all the Americas" put together. There is a title and a prophesy regarding Haiti, I don't think even Haitians are aware of, it is that Haiti is not only the craddle but is also the grave of the new word... The cradle part we all know and marvel about but the grave part is totally unknown. what exactly does that mean or entaills? I don't know I did not ask.It is not something I imagined but the mystics I met in Saut D'eau were convinced of this prophecy. Haiti must be kept bind tightly and secure for that very reason. Even the acting powers don't know what are they doing. It is all regulated by timely spirits. One thing I have to say about this new world stuff is that there were never one. It never existed, the new world is an idiom, a falsehoodand a scam. Once it is discovered as such new realities emerges. Realities of a form of darkness disguised as enlightenment and a growing inferno disguised as progress. The growing inferno is now threatening not just life life as it is known but is challenging and is in direct conflict with the very order that regulates this universe, with a vengeful, degenerate criminality that have reached a planetary scale. This devastating torturous criminality have for quite sometime surpassed all industrial, international and intercontinental scales...............time...will...tell....in....time
Please keep in mind the blacks of the island after they freed it simply give the island back its original name. That was the island's name in the time of Queen Anacaona before Christopher Columbus. "Haiti" means "Mountains beyond Mountains".
My previous intention was to have fun with our black general's sense of humor or the lack thereof in the first week of February 1802, upon sighting the French fleet carrying the expeditionary forces of Napoleon Bonaparte off the coast of Cape Haiti. The intense drama that unfolded between the civilian population, the French forces onboard their ships and our good general, is immensely entertaining. The violent mood swings in the atmosphere and underground were off the charts, signaling yet another powerful eruption from the volcano. And yes I was there, making all the necessary observations, paying close attention to every little details, with my charts and instruments, my richter scale in hand, measuring each swing with precision enabling me to make all the good and accurate predictions.
Elas, we will save it for another day, another page.
Because of the pertinent request of the visitor and reader who kept asking over and over the same question, we will slice another piece of history for you instead.... To be continued.